The Surrogate, is a novel in which protagonist Dorothy Dene (née Ada Alice Pullan) – an actress and painter’s model of simple origins in late Victorian London – speaks about her life, her ambitions and her search for love. It is the story of a young woman in a male-dominated world who takes care of her family while becoming the muse of one of the greatest painters of the time: Frederic Leighton, the president of Royal Academy of Arts. George Bernard Shaw’s Eliza Doolittle – My Fair Lady – is partly based on her life.
Anna A. Ros (1962) surprises with this hefty historical novel. The Dutch novelist researched the life of her protagonist for years, resulting in a very credible account of the life and challenges of this remarkable woman. For Anna The Surrogate is her second novel that has been translated for an English speaking audience.

ISBN: not yet available
Publisher: Woord & Storm
Number of pages: 519
Bound: paperback
Price (including VAT): €27,99
The Surrogate will be published in the Spring of 2023 by Woord & Storm and will become internationally available through online bookshops. Pre-orders and evaluation copies can ordered by sending a request via the contact form on this website.
The Surrogate verschijnt in het voorjaar van 2023 bij Woord & Storm en zal internationaal via online boekhandels beschikbaar komen. Pre-orders en evaluatie-exemplaren kunnen besteld worden door een verzoek te sturen via het contactformulier op deze website.
Gefeliciteerd, Anna; hoop dat de publicatie zal aanslaan.
We gaan het zien, er zit iets moois aam te komen.